Anemia Management and Care

The Future of Anemia Management

Anemia affects more than 18 million Americans, and the percentage of surgical patients with anemia is sky-high – estimated at 30 to 40 percent. Anemia correlates with worse surgical outcomes, longer length of stay, increased blood transfusion and readmission rates, and higher costs for health systems. Yet despite this, more than half of the patient blood management health system leaders we surveyed in 2020 (60 percent) reported that their health systems did not have an anemia management system in place.

How Anemia Management Became Virtual

Most health systems rely on outdated manual anemia management processes. And while some acknowledge...

Reducing Resource Utilization with Comprehensive Anemia Care

Anemia affects up to 40 percent of surgical patients, yet it is often overlooked and undertreated...

The True Cost of Iron Deficiencies and Anemia

What condition affects an estimated 30 percent of the global population and correlates with poorer...

Driven by Data: Anemia Care in 2021

Strong data analysis is the cornerstone of healthcare performance improvement. Without a clear view...

The Ins and Outs of Hospital Assessments for Anemia Management

MyBloodHealth® offers a comprehensive anemia management platform that addresses this modifiable...